Telematic DefCom3.1B Smart 1 year – Connected alarm with GPS tracker for motorcycles & scooters


Telematic DefCom3.1B: Connected motorcycle/quad/scooter alarm with Smart GPS tracker (1 year prepaid)

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The Telematic DefCom3.1Bconnected alarm with GPS tracker for motorcycles and scooters is an advanced security device for motorcycles and scooters, designed to protect against theft and sabotage attempts. Equipped with an intelligent GPS tracker, this alarm offers real-time tracking, accessible via the MetaTrak Plus mobile application, and records 90 days of trip history.

The system triggers an immediate SMS alert to the owner in the event of sabotage, towing, alarm triggering or abnormal battery discharge. In the event of theft, the 24-hour alarm center can intervene. The engine cut-off function activates automatically for enhanced protection, and the high-powered, self-powered siren deters theft attempts.

The system comes with two remote controls and includes a “Smart 1Y” subscription for the first year, with annual renewal. This product also includes configurable alerts for geolocation, points of interest and speed, enabling optimal tracking and safety.

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Additional information

Weight 0,51 kg
Dimensions 18,5 × 12,5 × 8,5 cm

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